Update on Electric Ireland’s Exit from the Northern Ireland Market: What You Need to Know and How to Switch Suppliers

Electric Ireland announced (9th May) they will exit the domestic electricity market in NI. This announcement will have has left many consumers wondering what this means for their energy supply and what steps they should take next.


What is the current situation?


It has been surprisingly quiet since the exit announcement – there has been no further update published on the Electric Ireland website and there does not appear to be a confirmed date for when they will cease supply.

Almost 3 months since the exit announcement customers would rightly expect to have more clarity and detail on what will happen their supply. However, it is important for customers to be aware that they will not lose supply or be disconnected – the lights will stay on.

When a supplier leaves the market there is a regulatory process to ensure customers are protected. This process is called the Supplier of Last Resort, which ensures that no customers are left without supply due to their supplier exiting the market. However, your account could be transferred to another supplier, which may not offer the most competitive rates.


Are there any steps I can take now?


There is no reason to stop you taking control and switch to a new supplier. It’s quick and easy to find a cheaper deal with ‘Power to Switch’. It’s likely you will also save money moving to a new deal. In fact, people who switched electricity supplier Power to Switch saved an average of £421.




Steps to Switch Suppliers


Switching suppliers using Power to Switch is straightforward. Here’s how you do it:

1. Visit the Power to Switch Website
Go to
www.powertoswitch.co.uk and enter a few details about your current deal and energy use

2. Compare Suppliers: On the results page you can compare tariffs and offers across all suppliers in Northern Ireland.

3. Select the Best Option: Choose the supplier and tariff that best meets your needs based on price, tariff features, rewards and contract terms.

4. Start the Switch: Complete the switch form and Power to Switch will handle your switch from there – you don’t even have to tell your old supplier you are leaving.


Communication from Electric Ireland


Over the next few weeks, it is likely that Electric Ireland will confirm its plans for exiting the market which will include dates and the process for ensuring customers are transferred to a new supplier.

Keep an eye out for this communication and if you have any questions get in touch with their customer service team.

Phone: 0345 600 5335 (8.30am – 7pm Mon – Fri, excluding bank holidays)

FreePhone: 0800 313 4926 (8.30am – 7pm Mon – Fri, excluding bank holidays)





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